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The Silver Perfect Puppy Course


Our 10-week bespoke puppy course is crafted towards the individual needs of each owner and their puppy, taking into account not only the puppy’s unique genetics according to their breed but also the end goal for the puppy owner! The programme is 10-weeks-long and each session lasts around 45 minutes. Throughout the course we will cover all of the puppy essentials listed below:

  • Crate training
  • Toilet training
  • Recall
  • Loose leash walking
  • Drop it & leave it
  • Stay & wait
  • Correct socialisation
  • Exposure
  • Play & relationship
  • Confidence building
  • Settling in the home & in public

We highly recommend knowing the essentials in advance of your puppy coming home to set you up for as much success as possible, so it is advisable to contact us ahead of collection to learn the theory of puppy training. This can be done virtually. You may purchase this course if your puppy is 3-months or younger at the start of the course. We reserve the right to ask for proof of age of your puppy.

Once you have purchased your puppy course, email a member of staff at to arrange your programme dates (10x 45 minute sessions) and confirm your booking.

By booking this course you acknowledge that you have read and agree to our terms & conditions.

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